WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Drew McIntyre vs. Cedric Alexander


This is the match between Drew McIntyre and Cedric Alexander with Kurt Angle as the Special guest refree.

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle to a big hometown pop. Angle will be the special guest referee for this next match. The music hits and out next comes Cedric Alexander. Drew McIntyre is out next, attacking Cedric from behind on the ramp.

Drew beats Cedric down the ramp and to the ringside area as Angle watches from the ring. Drew launches Cedric into the barrier again. Cedric tries to fight back. Cedric fights off the inverted Alabama Slam and sends Drew into the ring post. Cedric laps off the barrier and hits a huge tornado DDT on the floor.

Angle is in the ring alone when the lights start going out. The lights start flashing and we see "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt in the ring. Wyatt attacks Angle and brings him down with the Mandible Claw. Wyatt screams while holding Angle down. The lights stop flashing and we just hear Wyatt laughing over the arena. We go to commercial.

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